- 小松直樹, "Tumor eradication by boron neutron capture therapy using 10-boron enriched nanoparticles", Oct. 21, 2024, Future Materials, Athens, Greece
- 小松直樹, "Nanoparticle-Based Medical Nanodevices for Cancer Nanomedicine (Keynote)", Oct. 24, 2023, IEEE-NMDC (Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference) 2023, Paestum, Italy
- 小松直樹, "Biomedical Application of 2D Nanomaterials", Jun. 15, 2024, MULTIDIM SYMPOSIUM, Okayama, Japan
- 小松直樹, "Separation of Carbon Nanotubes through Host-Guest Chemistry", Apr. 10, 2024, ChemOnTubes 2024, Strasbourg, France
- 小松直樹, "Nanoparticle-Based Medical Nanodevices for Cancer Nanomedicine (Keynote)", Oct. 24, 2023, IEEE-NMDC (Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference) 2023, Paestum, Italy
- 小松直樹, "Tumor eradication by boron neutron capture therapy using 10-boron enriched nanoparticles", Sep. 21, 2023, European Materials Research Society (EMRS) 2023, Fall Meeting (Symposium L)
- 小松直樹, "Poly(glycerol)-Based Biomedical Nanodevices Constructed by Functional Programming on Inorganic Nanoparticles for Cancer Nanomedicine", June 19, 2023, Global Conference on Nanotechnology, Madrid, Spain
- 小松直樹, "Interlocking of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes with Metal-Tethered Tetragonal Nanobrackets to Enrich a Few Hundredths of Nanometer Range in Their Diameters", June 13, 2023, Nano Rome 2023, Rome, Italy
- 小松直樹, "Poly(glycerol)-Based Biomedical Nanodevices Constructed by Functional Programming on Inorganic Nanoparticles for Cancer Nanomedicine", June 12, 2023, Nano Rome 2023, Rome, Italy
- 小松直樹, "Carbon-Based Nanoparticles for Cancer Theranostics: From Fundamental Chemistry to Advanced Biomedicine", June 7, 2022, New Diamond and Nano Carbon (NDNC) 2022, Kanazawa, Japan
- 小松直樹, "Carbon-Based Nanoparticles for Cancer Theranostics: From Fundamental Chemistry to Advanced Biomedicine", June 1, 2022, European Materials Research Society (EMRS) 2022, Spring Meeting (Symposium A)
- 小松直樹, "Polyglycerol Grafted Nanodiamond Avoids Protein Corona Formation, Evades Macrophage Uptake and Images Tumor Fluorescently", November 27 - December 4, 2020, Virtual MRS Spring/Fall Meeting (Symposium NM01)
- 小松直樹, "Diamond and Micelle: Hard and Soft Materials for Nanomedicine", September 18, 2019, EMRS Fall Meeting (Symposium V), Warsaw, Poland
- 小松直樹, "Supramolecular nanoscience of 1D and 2D nanomaterials with porphyrinoids", Jun 15, 2019, International Workshop on Supramolecular Nanoscience of Chemically Programmed Pigments (SNCPP), Ritsumeikan University, Kusatsu, Japan
- 小松直樹, "Platinum on diamond: A promising prodrug conjugated with polyglycerol, targeting peptide and anticancer drug", May 28, 2019, EMRS Spring Meeting (Symposium M), Nice, France
- 小松直樹, "Covalent and Noncovalent Chemistry for Nanocarbons: Biomedical Application and Structural Separation", 基調講演, May 11, 2019, WILEY-Yellow Crane Tower Summit on Advanced Nanomaterials, Wuhan Institute of Technology, China
- 小松直樹, "Exfoliation of 2D nanosheets and their biomedical applications", Aug 23, 2018, European Advanced Materials Congress 2018, Stockholm, Sweden
- 小松直樹, "Non-covalent functionalization of carbon nanotubes for their separation", Aug 21, 2018, European Advanced Materials Congress 2018, Stockholm, Sweden
- 小松直樹, "Application of Organic Chemistry to Nanocarbon Materials: From Separation to Biomedical Applications", June 30, 2018, 2nd Dijon/Nanjing Symposium on Fuctional Macrocyclic Molecules, University of Bourgogne, France
- 小松直樹, "Diporphyrin Nanotweezers and Nanocalipers for Optical Resolution of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes", July 8, 2016, International Conference on Porphyrins and Phthalcyanines (ICPP9), Nanjing, China
- 小松直樹, "Surface Chemistry of Nanodiamond for Biomedical Application", March 30, 2016, MRS Spring Meeting (Symposium NT5: Nanodiamonds-Fundamentals and Applications), Phoenix, USA
- 小松直樹, "Supramolecular chemistry of graphene and carbon nanotube", November 17, 2015, 6th International Collaborative and Cooperative Chemistry Symposium (ICCCS-6), Seoul, Korea
- 小松直樹, "Biomedical application of nanodiamond through surface chemical functionalization", September 10, 2015, International Conference on Diamond and Carbon Materials, Bad Homburg, Germany
- 小松直樹, "Functionalization of Nanoparticles and Their Biomedical Applications as an Imaging Probe and a Drug Carrier (Keynote)", August 16, 2015, ICMB2015 (International Conference on Medicine and Biopharmaceutical, Guilin, China
- 小松直樹, "Optical Resolution of Carbon Nanotubes through Molecular Recognition", July 8, 2015, 16th International Symposium on Novel Aromatic Compounds (ISNA-16), Madrid, Spain
- 小松直樹, "Functionalization, Characterization and Biomedical Application of Nanodiamond", October 20, 2014, The International Workshop on Novel Carbons, Enshi, China
- 小松直樹, "Polyglycerol grafting on various nanoparticles for in ivo applications as a drug carrier and an imaging probe", September 23, 2014, EMN east meeting, Chengdu, China
- 小松直樹, "Biomedical application of nanocarbons", September 17, 2014, Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Semiconductor Physics and Technology, Sapporo, Japan
- 小松直樹、Li Zhao, "Functionalization of Nanodiamond for Biomedical Applications", September 16, 2013, 2013, JSAP-MRS Joint Symposia, Kyotanabe, Japan
- 小松直樹, "Functionalization of Nanodiamond for Biomedical Applications", September 9, 2013, EMN east meeting, Beijing, China
- 小松直樹, "Separation of Left- and Right-Handed Carbon Nanotubes", August 2, 2013, Symmetry Festival 2013, Delft, Netherlands
- 小松直樹、劉剛, "Chiral Diporphyrin Nanocalipers: New Host Molecule Next to Nanotweezers for Separation of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes", May 13, 2013, 223rd ECS meeting, Toronto, Canada
- 小松直樹、劉剛, "Simultaneous Discrimination of Diameter, Handedness, and Metallicity of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes by Chiral Diporphyrin Nanocalipers", May 13, 2013,223rd ECS meeting, Toronto, Canada
- 小松直樹、"Optical Resolution of Carbon Nanotubes through Molecular Recognition ", 平成24年12月8日, Bangladesh Chemical Congress 2012, Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Naoki Komatsu, Li Zhao, Tokuhiro Chano, "Nanodiamond-based fluorescent probe for in vivo imaging: Derivatization and Characterization", 平成24年9月19日, E-MRS Fall Meeting, Warsaw, Poland
- 小松直樹、"Optically Active Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes", 平成24年5月8日, 221st ECS meeting, Seattle, USA
- 小松直樹、"Diporphyrin Nanotweezers for Discrimination of the Diameter and Handedness of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes", 平成24年5月9日, 221st ECS meeting, Seattle, USA
- 小松直樹、木村隆英、"Sonochemistry for carbon nanotubes", 平成23年11月4日、The International Workshop on Advanced Sonochemistry 2011、名古屋大学
- 小松直樹、"Diameter-Based Separation of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes with Dipyrene Nanotweezers", 平成23年5月2日, 219th ECS meeting, Montreal, Canada
- 小松直樹、"Optical Resolution of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes through Molecular Recognition with Chiral Diporphyrin Nanotweezers" 平成22年12月9日、International Conference on Fundamental & Applications of Nano Science & Technology (ICFANT 2010), Kolkata (Calcutta), インド
- 小松直樹、"Synthetic Organic Chemistry Performed on the Surface of Diamond Nanoparticles" 平成22年6月7日, European Materials Research Society (EMRS) spring meeting, Strasbourg, France
- 小松直樹、"Optically Active Carbon Nanotubes", 平成22年4月27日, 217th ECS meeting, Vancouver, Canada
- 小松直樹、"Optical Resolution of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes through Molecular Recognition", 平成21年11月26日, The 10th Youngnam-Kinki Joint Symposium on Organometallic Chemistry、大邱、韓国
- 小松直樹、"Separation of SWNTs by selective extraction with chiral monoporphyrin through simultaneous recognition of their chemical and electronic structures", 平成21年6月17日, The Annual World Conference on Carbon (Carbon 2009), ビアリッツ, フランス
- 小松直樹、"Preparation of Fluorescent Nanodiamond and its Application to Biological in vivo Imaging", 平成20年5月28日, 2nd Conference on New Diamond and Nano Carbons (NDNC2008)、台北
- 小松直樹、” Optically Active Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes”、平成20年2月13-15日、International Conference on Soft Systems-2008 (ICSS- 2008), Kolkata (Calcutta), インド
- 小松直樹、"Optically Active Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes"、平成19年12月19日、Singapore International Chemistry Conference 5 (SICC-5), シンガポール
- 小松直樹、"Magnetically and Fluorescently Visualized Nanodiamond for a Multi-modal Imaging Probe", 平成19年12月18日, Singapore International Chemistry Conference 5 (SICC-5), シンガポール
- 小松直樹、”Optically Active Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes”、平成18年12月25日、インド化学会年会、アーランガバッド、インド